Reese Energy Consulting today is pleased to welcome Philip Lawrence to our Auditing Team. As Lead Measurement Engineer, Philip will apply his more than  years of expertise in liquid and gas flow measurement auditing to include multiphase and allocation on behalf of REC clients.

Philip holds five patents for flow metering devices, has authored 36 publications and presentations on flow metering around the world, and has earned a long shirt sleeve of accolades and citations for his expertise—along with recognition as a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institute of Measurement and Control in the UK. Philip’s work with both domestic and international oil and gas companies has made him an in-demand resource, from Alaska to the Middle East and Asia.

REC’s auditing team has never been busier as we work to identify and recover lost revenues for our oil and gas clients. Over the last few years, we’ve recovered more than $20,000,000—and counting. Please join us in a shoutout to Philip (a fine Englishman who’s now a mighty fine Okie) and learn more about our comprehensive auditing services at

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