The New Quest for Gold Is Out of the Gate
If you follow the Bill Gates-led Breakthrough Energy Ventures, you may already have an idea of the wide range of startups that have received millions to go forth and accelerate their innovations in sustainable energy.
Reese Energy Consulting today is following the latest on one of those startups, which until now has been mysteriously cloaked in secrecy. Perhaps for good reason. Denver-based Koloma—you won’t find a website; don’t bother trying—has been gifted $91 million from BEV and four other investors to drill for geologic hydrogen, also known as gold hydrogen. As a matter of fact, drilling is already underway somewhere in the Midwest. We say “somewhere,” because details are about as thin as a bald man’s hair part.
Koloma is co-founded by Tom Darrah, Ph.D, and director of the Global Water Institute at Ohio State University, whose research includes developing geochemical techniques that improve unconventional energy exploration and extraction. Darrah is also the founder of Smart Gas Sciences, a lab that, among other things, performs hydrocarbon analyses of produced gases, dissolved gases, or gases contained within solids. He has filed 16 patents related to finding and extracting hydrogen and believes he’s found a way to scale both into a viable business—something that up until now has been one of the greatest mysteries in the annals of energy.
If Darrah and Koloma are right, unlocking the world’s vast hydrogen resources for use as a limitless clean energy would offer unimaginable possibilities and easily turn a $90 million investment into gazillions.