We Heard it Through the Pipeline…
Reese Energy Consulting today is following the news of Cheniere’s Midship Pipeline and what this much-needed infrastructure will mean for Oklahoma and the nation. With LNG export terminals in Sabine Pass and Corpus Christi—and ongoing expansions of its liquefaction trains through 2020—Houston-based Cheniere launched the Midship Pipeline project nearly two years ago. Now, the real work is underway to construct a 200-mile system that will transport 1.44 billion CFD of natural gas from the SCOOP and STACK in the Anadarko Basin. The pipeline will originate in Kingfisher County, Okla., and terminate near Durant where the gas will then flow via other lines to Cheniere’s two LNG terminals and other destination points. The Midship is expected to go online before the end of the year—a welcomed relief for SCOOP and STACK producers with stranded gas. If a rising tide lifts all boats, the Midship is certain to live up to its name with a $1 billion investment in Oklahoma. And frankly, it couldn’t happen in a better place. What do you think?