Along for the Ride
Howard Energy Partners has a lot to crow about this year. This San Antonio-based midstream company is an impressive study in developing high-growth infrastructure projects in the nation’s hottest oil and gas regions. Reese Energy Consulting today is studying the latest news from HEP to construct a new gas gathering system in Oklahoma’s STACK play where the lack of pipeline capacity has become a serious speed bump. But speed bumps are exactly what HEP looks for. The company’s 600 miles of gas and crude oil pipelines, gas processing plants, liquid storage terminals, and deep-water port and rail facilities serve shippers in the Gulf Coast, Eagle Ford, Permian and Marcellus. HEP also has snapped up opportunities south of the border with two pipeline systems underway in Mexico. Looks like building the highways that ferry American energy from the most prolific basins to the most lucrative markets has put Howard Energy Partners firmly in the midstream driver’s seat.