Natural Gas and the Natural State
Call us biased but Steve Reese, CEO of Reese Energy Consulting, possesses a true gift for educating professionals of every paygrade how segments of the oil and gas industry work in the real world. He’s a lot like your favorite teacher back in school who could explain even the most complicated subjects, connect the dots, and make sense of it all in both the macro and micro picture. You leave the classroom knowing you got this. Over the next couple of days, Steve is doing that exact same thing for Bentonville, Ark.-based InstaNext, whose multi-market, cloud-based platform is oil-and-gas focused and simplifies every aspect of commodity and hedge management. You might want to check them out because this company’s customer list reads like a who’s who in the energy industry. Now, InstaNext looks to expand its business starting with an investment in its employees and its company’s future. That’s where Steve comes in. Today he’ll teach his Natural Gas 101 class. Tomorrow it’s all about Midstream. We wish everyone two successful days in the Natural State. Learn more about InstaNext at www.instanext.com. And to browse the full range of Reese energy courses, visit us at www.ReeseEnergyTraining.com.