You’re Building What…?
The newest refinery in the U.S. is the Texas International Terminals in Channelview, which came online in February joining 129 other refineries across the nation. Even the thought of building a refinery—especially now—seems a waste of brain cells. But one company has a grand vision to construct the petroleum refinery of the future that will reduce or eliminate 95% of greenhouse gas emissions. The only decision left is whether Texas or Okla., will call it home.
Reese Energy Consulting today is following the latest news from El Campo, Texas-based Prairie Energy, which plans to construct a $5.56 billion “next generation” crude refining complex that not only will produce cleaner fuels but the heat processes to produce them will use a combination of pure O2, blue hydrogen, and green hydrogen. CO2 produced from the hydrogen unit will be captured and permanently sequestered. The facility itself will be powered by 100% renewable electricity.
Prairie Energy expects to produce 91.25 million barrels per year of gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel from oil shale in the Permian, Eagle Ford, DJ, and Bakken. A new refined products pipeline will flow supplies to neighboring terminals. The 400-acre complex will include an eight-bay truck loading terminal, a 300-car rail terminal, and a four-barge marine terminal.