And just like that, the Supremes today have cast Colo., in a white-hot spotlight with its new rendition of Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. But here, in The Land of the DJ Basin, where the shale boom reanimated the state’s economy six ways to Sunday, oil and gas players are finding a spotlight of their own. This one against a backdrop of uncertainty that has them tossing the dice. ...

Ahh, it’s quarterly report card season again. A time to share the fruits of strategy, labor, and investments over a three-month gestation that gives financial analysts a purpose in life. For the nation’s larger midstreamers sharing their recent reports, a solid A+ grade seems fitting along with a standing ovation. ...

If you’re feeling especially unlucky today, it’s best to avoid any one of Earth’s five oceans lest a chunk of a dead satellite now in freefall makes touchdown on your noggin. But if you’re one of the nation’s largest midstreamers eyeing a sizeable acquisition that ticks all the boxes on growth strategy, you just might be in luck. ...

Here in the Natural Gas Land of Plenty, we are exactly four weeks away from handing off the now-proclaimed warmest winter on record to spring. Without adding salt to wounds inflicted by the Are You Serious? gas prices, Reese Energy Consulting today is sharing the latest good news on natural gas. ...