The newest refinery in the U.S. is the Texas International Terminals in Channelview, which came online in February joining 129 other refineries across the nation. Even the thought of building a refinery—especially now—seems a waste of brain cells. But one company has a grand vision to construct the petroleum refinery of the future that will reduce or eliminate 95% of greenhouse gas emissions. The only decision left is whether Texas or Okla., will call it home. Reese Energy Consulting today is following the latest news from El Campo, Texas-based Prairie Energy, which plans to construct a $5.56 billion “next generation” crude refining complex that not only will produce cleaner fuels but the heat processes to produce them will use a combination of pure O2, blue hydrogen, and green hydrogen. CO2 produced from the hydrogen unit will be captured and permanently sequestered. The facility itself will be powered by 100% renewable...

Years ago, I met with a colleague who brought along his young daughter about to celebrate her birthday. For a 7-year-old, she wore an unusually serious countenance, hanging on to every word of the adult business conversation. When our food was served, I asked her what she wanted for her birthday. Without a blink she replied, “real estate, of course.”...