Folks are getting mighty creative out there with proposed solutions to the oil and refined products storage shortfall. Midstreamers are leasing capacity on their pipelines. Producers are chartering tanker ships. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve has become Hotel Crude. It’s not lost on us that the storage situation has become an acute supply-and-demand offshoot of an acute supply-and-demand crisis. ...

Landing smack dab in the middle of all this COVID mess comes the year’s first earnings season and few in the oil and gas industry will be spared the wrath of a virus that’s changed virtually everything. But among the cuts, cutbacks, and curtailments we’re now witnessing, reports of our death are greatly exaggerated. ...

Another wave of acquisitions and divestitures is headed to an oil and gas basin near you. Like we touched on in yesterday’s post, Reese Energy Consulting is talking to several industry folks on both sides of the equation—either exploring the sale of their assets or hound-dogging a sweet deal. ...

Natural gas prices are poised for a rebound as oil wells are shut in, affecting the supply of rich associated natural gas. That’s at least a flicker of good news for embattled producers in need of a badly needed break. ...

Lea County, NM, today has taken the crown as the nation’s #1 oil and gas producer after hitting a January record of 18,761,224 barrels of crude. In the heart of the Permian, the small city of Hobbs has stolen away much of the limelight from its Texas neighbor in an area where permanent residents have watched their community ascend from one of the most impoverished to one of the wealthiest. ...