If you’ve worked in the oil and gas industry long enough, you know that sometimes it’s just better to shut off all the noise and keep plowing ahead. The sky may be heavy but it’s far from falling. If anything, troubled times like these add another definition to the term Energy Strong—which we are and will continue to be. ...

The use of CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery techniques in the oilfield has experienced a renaissance over the last 10 years, but many longtime fans of EOR also are focused on monetizing their innovations in the burgeoning carbon capture, use and storage industry. ...

The midstream merger scene has been relatively quiet this year, but two startups in two months have now entered the deep-pocketed House of Encap Flatrock with nearly $1 billion in fresh capital between them. Reese Energy Consulting today is following the latest news from San Antonio-based Encap, which just announced the formation of Tatanka Midstream. ...

Call us biased but Steve Reese, CEO of Reese Energy Consulting, possesses a true gift for educating professionals of every paygrade how segments of the oil and gas industry work in the real world. He’s a lot like your favorite teacher back in school who could explain even the most complicated subjects, connect the dots, and make sense of it all in both the macro and micro picture. You leave the classroom knowing you got this. ...