The Waiting Is the Hardest Part
Reese Energy Consulting today is studying the latest news from our meteoric rise in the World of LNG Exports that started in 2016, when the shale revolution gifted the U.S. with massive volumes of natural gas and voracious global appetites, not to mention a new domestic industry. Reese Energy Consulting is following the latest news on America’s race to build more large-scale LNG processing and export terminals, which take anywhere from three to five years and multi-billions to become operational. Seven have now been built with one shuttered since June for repairs and not expected to return online until next month, taking a bite out of nearly seven months of output and affecting world markets and prices. Another three large-scale plants are now under construction, two of which are slated for production in 2024, and the third a Cheniere expansion scheduled to go online in 2025. Sempra announced today plans...
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