Energy Transfer Brings It in 1Q
It’s safe to say the nation’s largest midstream players in 1Q took home the bacon and most of the honey-glazed hog. To that, we say congrats and when’s the barbeque? ...
Read MoreIt’s safe to say the nation’s largest midstream players in 1Q took home the bacon and most of the honey-glazed hog. To that, we say congrats and when’s the barbeque? ...
Read MoreIn the Land of Gas-Rich Appalachia, Denver-based Antero Resources (AR) knows exactly where its toast is buttered. ...
Read MoreReese Energy Consulting is Marked Safe from yesterday’s Okla., tornado outbreak that whipped up so much wind energy in six hours that N.Y’s, offshore wind farms began crying, “No fair!” Meanwhile, whirling dervishes in the news sphere are spawning all around. ...
Read MoreAs the 1Q oil and gas earnings season winds down, Reese Energy Consulting today polishes off our LI week with a spotlight on Devon Energy....
Read MoreIs that confetti raining from the sky? No, that would be a blizzard of 1Q earnings reports from our oil and gas producer friends commiserating sub-zero natural gas prices, and our midstream friends largely making hay....
Read MoreWhen earnings season rolls around, which it now has with 1Q in the bag for most oil and gas companies, Wall Street analysts are nothing short of giddy to share their comparisons and contrasts among rivals following earnings reports. That’s what shareholders expect. But in the echelon of largest U.S. energy players, this exclusively translates to Exxon and Chevron—also ranked as fifth and seventh largest, respectively, in the world. ...
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